HEALTH. lifestyle

Live your best life NOW!

I support ambitious, high achieving women with sustainable weight loss programs with mind, body and spirit techniques.

Hello there, lovely human being.

Susan here, a certified health and wellness coach. I was a yo-yo dieter for over 20 years! I’ve struggled with weight gain, loss, and regaining on numerous occasions. I finally lost 30kgs (about 60 pounds) in a healthy way after many years of trying, and I’ve been able to keep the weight off.

I’m a holistic wellness coach who is passionate about helping overwhelmed and busy professional women STOP battling the scale while balancing healthyish eating, caring for their family, and managing a demanding job. Is this you? You’re in the right place!

I am particularly here for the following reasons:

At every doctor’s check up you’ve been told you need to lose weight

You have lifestyle diseases running in your family ; diabetes, hypertension these are (lifestyle) and not hereditary – we can get you off the red towards these.

You’re tired of yo-yo diets and the fad schemes to lose weight.


Starting this program with you has really inspired me in a lot of ways. Since I started officially with you yesterday I feel like my world has begun taking a different turn. Previously I was feeling lazy to even exercise, fix my hair, drink water, journaling and even resting felt like a waste of time. I have always been on the rush to make money and back to my books. I fixed my hair yesterday, reorganized my house and put in my weights and other stretching equipment in place. Furthermore, I kind of did a makeover in my kitchen, got new Mason jars and reorganized my fridge and cleaned it. I juiced a few bottles of vegetables and a few apples and a quarter of a pineapple. Been drinking water and in this weather I prefer warm. I followed the programme and today I was able to exercise, brushed my body, took a nice long shower and it was so refreshing and a great feeling. I also treated my feet in very warm water with Epsom salt and a nice smelling bubble bath soap. I scrubbed my feet and felt very relaxed. I am feeling so uplifted and rejuvenated; I just want you to know I thank God for you. I am positive and by the grace of God I will make it. 

-Rose Vita